The 25th International Symposium on Formal Methods will be held at the University of Lübeck.
Main conference: March, 7th – 9th, 2023
Workshops, Tutorial, etc. March 6th, 10th 2023
FM 2023 is the 25th international symposium in a series organized by Formal Methods Europe (FME). The topics covered include the development and application of formal methods in a wide range of domains including software, cyber-physical systems and integrated computer-based systems.
Vision for the Event
Covid-19 forced the world to go digital, including conferences. But, restating the guiding theme of FM in 2015, a conference is a social event at which participants should have the opportunity to interact, get updated on recent and on-going research, and foster interesting new ideas and collaborations. We have learned that such an interaction can hardly be realized in digital meetings. However, we are fairly confident that in spring 2023, the Covid-19 situation will be under control and will allow for physical scientific meetings again. So our guiding thesis for FM’23 is
Let’s have real conferences again!
Topic-wise, we are well aware of the huge interest in AI and machine learning-based software development.
For safety critical systems, such systems have to be formally analyzed and verified. In other words,
Solid AI-based systems need Formal Methods!
While traditional formal methods will be the main topic of FM’23, we will add Formal Methods for AI as a major
theme for the next edition of FM.